Tuesday, November 29, 2011

baby cuz i'm a thug

we were at a friends wedding when i looked down and discovered that Van is a straight up gangsta.
west side!

Monday, November 14, 2011

all the other kids with the pumped up kicks...

van rockin' his vans.
my husband insists babies dont need shoes, but how can you resist when they look this cute?!

 this kid is already smiling at us. i love it. 
and no, its not just gas

 3 1/2 weeks old

 2 weeks old

his aunt erika made him a hoodie with his name

i swore i wouldnt be one of those moms that talk about how their kid is the best, but seriously, he is.
he only wakes up once a night to feed (knock on wood) and he's my little rockstar ninja.
i love his guts. baby acne and all.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

sleep, eat, poop. repeat.

happy one week!
we woke up this morning and all three of us (me, cosmo, & van) were healthy and happy. 
i consider that to be a successful first week.

i hope i am not jinxing myself, but i think we got a rockstar good baby.
he is SO MELLOW and feeds every 4 hours during the night, so we are able to get a little sleep.
he hates being naked and getting his diaper changed, but thats about the only time he cries, and even then, its a pretty pathetic whimper.
he has long skinny girl fingers like his dad, and he has his dad's toes and feet.
he has my nose and cheeks.

if you notice on the left side of his head, he has a pretty good lump. 
he was in the birth canal for over 2 hours.  the rest of his cone head has gone down completely, but they have told us that because he was crowing for so long in that one spot, he has major bruising in the bone and that lump will be there for quite some time. poor kid. my sisters have already nick named him "lumpy".  
good thing its getting close to beanie season!

its crazy how much we love this little guy, even if he does poop all over us and the bed at 3:00 in the morning when we are exhausted and half awake. 

Friday, October 21, 2011

look what we made

Van Kenneth Krummenacher
october 19th, 2011
8lbs 15oz  
(although my doctor said i earned it to just tell people 9 pounds)
22 inches

(yup, those are pants with michael jackson silhouette on them, thanks to erika) 

 first family photo

our little...uhhh... big ninja finally made his appearance early early wednesday morning 
october 19th 2011 @ 3:31am.
i'll tell the whole story later but for now, enjoy the pictures of our cute kid, and i'll go actually enjoy him.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011


today is my due date, and the answer is NO
and from the looks of things, this kid is VERY COMFORTABLE where he is at. i feel like that youtube kid 'david at the dentist' when he looks at his dad in desperation and asks- "why is this happening to me?? is this going to be forever?!" 

soo.... to get my mind off that unpleasant realization, here's pictures from my awesome weekend.

me and cosmo are trying to live up our last kidless days, so along with my little sisters angela and erika, we went to see kevin devine on saturday.
he's one of my very favorites. as i have mentioned before, he's a lyrical genius.

me, kevin devine, angela, erika 

since the hard rock cafe is a really small venue, we were able to talk to him afterwards for quite a while. 
me and cosmo have met him several times, and each time he is just as genuine and sincere.  
he was in love with the fact that i was pregnant and talked a lot about how he loves the energy and the thought of a new life growing inside. he was flattered that i would come to his show 9 months pregnant and HE thanked ME for being there and sharing my energy with him.
it sounds cheesy, but it was a cool moment.
 "we wrap bibles up in blankets, just in case we're watched in sleep, but its the slingshots underneath our pillows that keep us calm and rested and relieved.. cuz we're a nation built on eggshells, bandages, and appleseeds. attractive homes on top of bruised foundations that come apart gradually, before they're leveled completely...." 
-kevin devine
me and cosmo enjoying our childless last moments....

it was amazing. the show. not the childless moment... actually that too.

and even though i said i wasnt going to talk about it..  just an update..
my doctor is out of town this week, so if i dont go into labor naturally (which does NOT look like its going to happen) then they will induce me on Tuesday Oct 18th when he gets back. 
in other words, 5 more days and life will never be the same.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

its the final countdown (you have to sing this)

6 days to go until Dday
oct 12th to be exact.
am i foolish to hope for this weekend?
oct 9th is john lennon's birthday, so that would be rad to have him then.
plus, it would mean i would be 3 days early, which would be AMAZING. 

 38 weeks

 39 weeks

both my belly and my swollen feet and ankles continue to grow..

so now we wait.. 
and just for kicks and giggles and to get that awful image of my feet out of your head, 
this is me circa 1984/1985 maybe? 
check out those cheeks! 
poor van doesn't stand a chance....

Saturday, September 17, 2011

"girl, i like em huge" -moto moto madagascar2

 34 weeks pregnant

36 weeks pregnant

i am a few days shy of being 37 weeks. 
roughly 25 days to go.
but who's counting... ?

Sunday, August 28, 2011

is this real life?

one month and some change to go until D-day.
i am hot and swollen and done.
gross huh?

we put up the crib a couple weekends ago, and it made it a little too real..
i walk by the room now and see the crib and think-
"oh crap. this is really happening.."

 i LOVE this crib.. it is the same crib my mom used for all 8 of us kids, and my little sister used it for my nephew as well.  it has a lot of memories attached to it, including the chew marks on the sides from me teething.... i guess i liked the taste of crib.
 embarrassing fact- i bought this baby bedding before i was even pregnant. it was on sale, and i loved it and couldn't pass it up. good thing we are having a boy! 
cosmo painted this wooden rocket ship to match the bedding and we'll be putting it somewhere in the room once i figure out what i want to do.

 33 weeks pregnant. 

and just to put icing on the cake of this thing really happening, our carseat came this week. 

what have we gotten ourselves into?

sugar and spice and everything nice? OR snakes and snails and puppy dog tails?

back in april 
(yeah it was 4 months ago and this is old news to everyone, don't judge, i'm pregnant..)
we found out the sex of our baby and had a gender reveal party to tell everyone what it was.

 i made cupcakes and put blue or pink filling in the middle depending on what the sex was

 as you can see, all the treats and drinks were blue and pink.
i had asked my mom to make divinity (above) and she was so sure it was a girl, so made WAY more pink.

 can't have a party without steve's krazy subs!

 team BLUE

 team PINK

its a... BOY!

we broke the "krummenacher curse"
every one of cosmo's brothers have had girls first. 
we are more then excited (and very relieved) to be having a boy!

his name will be 
Van *Kenneth Krummenacher

*middle name subject to change... 
kenneth (my older brother) said we can't name him after him if he's ugly.... 

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

weebles wooble but they dont fall down

the other day i was walking (waddling) my pregnant body through the parking lot, dying of heat, when a big SUV stopped to let me cross in front of them.
just as i was thinking of how nice and thoughtful they were, a big buff black guy leaned out the window of said SUV and exclaimed "daaaaaaam girl.. you look like a weeble wooble!"

how was i suppose to respond to that?! "why thank you kind sir, indeed i do! laugh laugh. (cry....)"

Saturday, July 23, 2011

say cheese!

over the 4th of july weekend, my sis-in-law brooke asked if i would take their family pictures while we were  in utah.
this made me nervous.
i just need to stop second guessing myself.
anyway.. here i am growing and learning and sharing outside of my comfort zone... 
it was a beautiful perfect day for pictures.  ie: not in arizona's 115 degree heat

greg, brooke, and james

any feedback or suggestions are more then welcome!
thanks greg and brooke for being patient with me.. 

Monday, June 27, 2011

"you sort of look like a hot air balloon" -erika

i'm convinced that people like to see belly pictures just to see how fat youre getting
(at least thats why i like to see them).
so for all of those curious mean people out there...
here you go!



(pretty sure i blew up over night this week, and if i look tired, its because i am. i have a ninja inside me that decides night time is a good time to practice karate.)

so far my loving sisters have told me that i have "pregnant fat face" and while attempting to shop for clothes that fit, i walked out in one shirt only to hear the comment- "you sort of look like a hot air balloon".... which was quickly followed up by "but a really cute hot air balloon!" when she saw the tears starting to form in my eyes.  oh the joys of pregnancy hormones.

and i had to share this lovely gem...
for mothers day, cosmo made a mini jenn out of donuts with pregnant belly and all.
i love how creative he is. he keeps me smiling.

the pregnancy is.....going.....
while i'm thrilled to be pregnant and to start our family, the whole act of being pregnant is pretty crappy.
no one ever really tells you that. 
next time i hear a girl say how she just LOVES being pregnant,
i'm going to have her tell that to my swollen feet