today is my due date, and the answer is NO
and from the looks of things, this kid is VERY COMFORTABLE where he is at. i feel like that youtube kid
'david at the dentist' when he looks at his dad in desperation and asks-
"why is this happening to me?? is this going to be forever?!"
soo.... to get my mind off that unpleasant realization, here's pictures from my awesome weekend.
me and cosmo are trying to live up our last kidless days, so along with my little sisters angela and erika, we went to see kevin devine on saturday.
he's one of my very favorites. as i have mentioned before, he's a lyrical genius.
me, kevin devine, angela, erika
since the hard rock cafe is a really small venue, we were able to talk to him afterwards for quite a while.
me and cosmo have met him several times, and each time he is just as genuine and sincere.
he was in love with the fact that i was pregnant and talked a lot about how he loves the energy and the thought of a new life growing inside. he was flattered that i would come to his show 9 months pregnant and HE thanked ME for being there and sharing my energy with him.
it sounds cheesy, but it was a cool moment.
"we wrap bibles up in blankets, just in case we're watched in sleep, but its the slingshots underneath our pillows that keep us calm and rested and relieved.. cuz we're a nation built on eggshells, bandages, and appleseeds. attractive homes on top of bruised foundations that come apart gradually, before they're leveled completely...."
-kevin devine
me and cosmo enjoying our childless last moments....
it was amazing. the show. not the childless moment... actually that too.
and even though i said i wasnt going to talk about it.. just an update..
my doctor is out of town this week, so if i dont go into labor naturally (which does NOT look like its going to happen) then they will induce me on Tuesday Oct 18th when he gets back.
in other words, 5 more days and life will never be the same.