Saturday, February 4, 2012

and the mother of the year award goes to.....

van has RSV and bronchiolitis and a double ear infection
poor little guy
we have to give him breathing treatments 3 times a day
he pretty much hates me right now

i think i'm about to turn into a crazy germ nazi mom


Hiatt Family said...

Oh, so sad! I hope he feels better soon. :(

Ginger Bell said...

That's terrible! I'm so sorry, for you and Van. I would totally be a germ freak too if that happened to Avery. Good luck with everything, hope he gets healthy soon!

Haught said...

Goes! Try having twins and a baby all with rsv and double ear infections at the same time! It has happened more than once in the Haught household! Good luck. I know how exhausting that can be!