Thursday, December 11, 2008

the transformation

it started out as part of a halloween costume, but halloween came and went and the beard and hair stayed....and got longer, and longer, and longer.....
i knew he had had it for too long when i actually started liking it.
last week my dreams came true when he decided to shave and get a haircut.


he looks like a little boy! i love it!
so what does everyone think? before? or after?


Tanner and Shasta said...

although I live with someone who always has facial hair..... I like the after pictures much better.
He doesn't look too much younger.... Tanner looks freaking 14 when he shaves.

Kristina Rich said...

totally after. I'm all for a beard but he was starting to look like a cast away. He does have a handsome face under all that hair though.

Erica said...

Ding dong, the weird beard's dead!

He looks less homeless.

Wiltbank said...

the before of course.

Sands...Like Sands on the Beach said...

I'm an 'AFTER' fan! He finally looks like all of your pre-blog pictures...I was beginning to wonder if you traded him in, but HE'S BACK!

Wiltbank said...

Ok, this is Bea, the first comment was from Lafe, of course.
In my oppinion: AFTER!!!
Please tell me your secret, Jenn,!!
What did you do to make Cosmo shave his beard?
It is time for Lafe,also to say good by to his beard. It's like cutting his legs off or something for him. Poor Lafe,I am such a bad wife!

The Hansen Family said...

At first I could've sworn he was the guy in Vegas that knocked on my car window to ask for money. I offered him a homemade Rice Krispy treat and he refused!! Who in their right mind turns down a Rice Krispy treat?

Obviously not starving... obviously not Cosmo...?

Unknown said...

definetly after pics look better!

The Mom. said...

After! I agree with what Erica said...He looks less homeless! lol