Monday, December 29, 2008

holy crap! its christmas time!

merry belated christmas from the krummenachers
its been a busy busy month, so here is a recap of things we enjoyed in the month of december:


for family night before christmas we had a little family christmas party.
it started at our house with steve's krazy subs for dinner, then we drove around in the rain and looked at christmas lights and ended up at greg and brooke's house for dessert.

garrett, brodie, and cosmo checking under the christmas tree.
(i LOVE this picture!!)

delaina and ken

brooke, greg, julia and angela

alisha and brodie, michael, erika and my nephew garrett

dad, mom and ken


cosmo painted the frames gray and got pictures to put in them. he made the frame to go around all of the pictures and painted the shelf that holds our last name. i love it! homemade presents are the best! i got it early so my family could see it up while they were here.


one of my really good friends "genius mike"
he was visiting from cali where he is a hoity toity recording engineer at bomb shelter studios (look it up!) and its always rad to see him
"...i got a $20 bill...."

watching the UFC fight.
i'm not talking about the outcome once again....

dinner at some fancy schmancy pizza place: la grande orange pizzeria (but say it with a french accent) with dick and erica

dick and cosmo trying out some new root beer

erica, sean, and lafe roasting marshmallows (notice lafe's burly man beard)
lafe and bea had a christmas party with DELICIOUS hungarian food that bea made and then we made smores on lafe's outdoor fire place. i wish i had taken more pictures that night because we had a lot of fun!! thanks lafe and bea!

cosmo playing with bubbles in lafe's backyard...
this is why i love him.

cosmo cutting out sugar cookies for our nursery kids.

(for those that dont know, me and cosmo are nursery leaders... can you believe they trust us with kids?!)

look what we did!! i dont mean to toot my own horn, but we are so nice. except who knew 2 year olds went to bed at 8:30!? apparently we didnt... oops.

cosmo's creation: they are peanut butter rice krispie treats dipped in chocolate. and dont worry, he meticulously placed each little speck of holly on each one.

my holiday wreaths. basically rice krispie treats with corn flakes instead of rice krispies and green food coloring. spectacular.

*WHEW* so that was a quick overview..
christmas eve and christmas day to soon follow.....


Unknown said...

What an eventful Christmas! Thanks for inviting over for the fight. It was a lot of fun. The pics of your place are so cute and i love the present that Cosmo made for you. What an awesome hubby!!!!

Sands...Like Sands on the Beach said...

I thought of you as we watched the fight...the outcome was pretty crappy on our end too...

Lovin' the krummenacher sign on that shelf! Where did you guys EVER get that??

I'm feelin' pretty jealous of your nursery kids right about now!

Wiltbank said...

Everyone knows Ned's Crazy Subs are better

Jana Adams said...

I would definetly trust you with my kid..haha! Brinlee loves you guys!! Thank you so much for the cookies, Brinlee loved them and so did I :) Thanks for taking such good care of her!!