Saturday, November 22, 2008

prepare to hate me....

ok.. i understand by making the following post that i might lose a lot of friendships, but it has to be said...

i dont understand this....
i remember quite some time ago, my friend shasta telling me that there were some books i HAD to read because it was about vampires and the boy in it is skinny and pale - right up my alley.
'hmmm..a vampire love story'- it peeked my interest, but i never got around to reading it.
shortly after that, my little sister angela came home with the books and raved and ranted about them.

'ok maybe i should give these a shot'

the next thing i know, people went twilight retarded.
and it killed it for me.
right then and there, i took a vow to never read these books.

i guess one of my big faults in life is i hate anything mainstream. yeah its childish and stupid, but i'll openly admit it.
i never read harry potter either. *gasp!*

i've had many many many friends tell me i HAD to read them.
"you'll laugh, you'll cry. you'll fall in love, you'll get your heart broken"
"you'll hate your husband because he'll never be as good as edward"
"it feels like youre being dumped all over again"
these are a few comments i heard.
no thanks.

my little sister went and camped out and saw the movie the first showing they had. she's read all of the books more then once, and is a die hard fan. so when i text her the next morning asking her how it was, her response surprised me "IT WAS A PIECE OF CRAP. More then horrible". she went on to say that it didnt follow the book and the acting and dialogue were terrible and it was way too rushed.

i kind of smiled a little thinking of all the millions and millions of girls camping out to see an awful movie.
but then i started hearing people say they liked the movie?!?

i dont take angela as a person to be a rough critic, so when she said she didnt like it, i knew it had to be garbage.

are people so crazy and caught up in a book that much that they will accept bad movies as good cinema based solely on the fact that they are so in love with the book??

this is all lost on me.

if you want to get out of mainstream america and actually see a great movie based on a novel, there is an independent film called "slumdog millionaire" adapted for screen from the novel "Q&A" by vikas swarup.

it was one of the best movies i have ever seen. its a love story about a boy that goes on a game show and every question he is asked, it flashes back to a point in his life that helps him know the answer to the question. it sounds sort of cheesy, but everything about it was incredible. the concept, the acting, the cinematography, the story.
now THIS is a real love story to get crazy about. (click on "this" to see the trailer)
'its destiny'


Kristina Rich said...

you're missing out. you should just read them and keep it a secret. The movies are never as good as the books for sure but I wouldn't say it was horrible. I was very entertained. I feel sad for people who haven't read them. just give into the pressure

Sands...Like Sands on the Beach said...

slumdog millionaire looks right up Matt & I's alley ( no idea if that was grammatically correct, and don't really care )

k, I DID like the movie...Kristina is right, nothing is ever as good as the book... if they were true to the book the movie would have been two weeks long (which I wouldn't have minded) but I enjoyed myself through out the whole movie! I did see it in a theater full of teenage girls and in the very romantically intense parts, what do teenage girls do, they giggle...but from all of the 'older women' in the audience and our point of view, it was great!

Meagan said...

This is Abe, it just shows up as my wifey... You just went up about 10 points on my friendship scale. I decided my wife can't hang out with about 5 of her friends because of their crazy "twilight" posts.

Shums said...

i love this post! i also vowed never to read such a stupid book, BUT against my will it happened. they are rediculous and cheesey as crap, but i do love the "pale skinny guy"! the movie was a perfect depiction of the book; Cheese Wiz. like the stuff in the can, a little taste every once in a while is my limit!

Dick Smith said...

OK, so I don't normally agree with anything a Krummenacher says (sorry, I know you married in to it), but I agree one hundred percent. These books are like dumb girl Harry Potter on hormones retarded. Kudos to you. My wife has a book club and I hear all of her silly friends discussing the plots and what not. You can't have a lovey dovey, kiss me my dear lover, vampire book. Vampires are badass killer bloodsuckers. He would drain that hoe, rip her face off and wear it for a hat if he were a real vampire. The end.

Ruth said...

Hey Jenn! Looong time. I'm a lot like you where if everybody's reading it..I don't want to. However, I read Twilight before everybody became twitarded...and I loved it. But your sister's right. The movie sucked. On a brighter note, I love your blog! You two seem so fun and really happy. that's awesome. Talk to you later.

elizabeth lawlor said...

PRETTY MUCH AGREE!!!!! the movie was absolutely stupid...i was soooooooooooo disapointed!! dumb actors, dumb script, dumb audience...they were really pissing me off..just ask erika! hahaha...well i read them before they got all crazy i can't stand people that think its reailty...drives me insane! haha

Tanner and Shasta said...

Ummm I demand a retraction! I told you that I thought you would like the books because of all those reasons yes, but I also said that I didn't like them. So let's be clear I HATED them. I read the first one and then I tried to force myself through the second and finally just stopped. So please don't put me into that group of Twilight lovers.
Thank you.

The Bates said...

I still like you even though you don't like Twilight. I think it isn't for everyone. But I won't lie, I saw the movie, read the books and loved them :) By the way I am so enjoying Cosmo's root beer reviews. He is a gifted writer!

Unknown said...

the books are really good. I'm not obsessed about them or cant get Edward out of my mind but they are good reading! Of course the movie wasnt as good as the book but you have to expect that! You should just read the first book to see if you like them!