Saturday, September 6, 2008

get your walking shoes on

we heard about this from a lady that cosmo works with because her son is autistic.

i jumped on board quick because cosmo has a niece that is autistic (actually, i guess she is my niece now too) and i have a young cousin that was just diagnosed with it.

its OCTOBER 18th at 6:30 in the morning.

its 1.1 miles through the zoo. even i can survive that, so thats not an excuse.

The suggested minimum donation is $20 a person. but you can do less.

if you want to find out more, the website is:
we are walking for our niece parris and cousin treyden, so if you are interested in doing this with us, leave a comment here, or email me at
i'm really excited about this, and think it will be a really good thing.
happy walking!
**UPDATE: if you had read this previously, i mentioned getting a team together and getting sponsored. i got a little excited and got ahead of myself. its just too short of notice to get it all done by deadlines, so we are just going to walk this year, and if you would like to come, we would love for you to join! we'll jump on this earlier next year, and try to build a team and raise some money. anyway...yeah. thats all.


Kachelle said...

so i blog stalked you, hope that doesn't freak you out!lol send me your e-mail and i'll send you an invite to my this is kachelle by the way and we need to hang out again soon! before i turn into a whale.

Jordan + Amber + Camryn + Brighton said...

I wanna walk, even if my husband decides not to. I've been friends with a couple autistic people and they're the sweetest! Plus my sisters in law has a niece who is as well. It'd be great to give our support. Count me in : ]