Saturday, September 5, 2009

there was love, all around, but i never heard it singing, no i never heard it at all, till there was you

my cousin tyler got married in august and me and cosmo were lucky enough to go to southbend indiana for the wedding.

lauren and tyler

cosmo was one of the groomsman.
before me and cosmo got married, tyler and cosmo became instant friends when they bonded over video games and music.

uncle richard and aunt kathy

lacee and scott (scott is ty's brother)

me and cosmo


Tanner and Shasta said...

How much do I love Scott and Lacee and Richard and Kathy? And yes you and Cosmo. I'm getting homesick. I need to make a trip up there to see everyone.

Jenna Killpack said...

luke would be so jealous! he went to Indiana on his mission and served around there. He keeps telling me we will go visit some day, but it looks so beautiful!